Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Arduous Invocation (POEM)

This poem was written a few years ago.  I found it today while packing and tossing and decided to post.

Arduous Invocation

If I couldst open mine heart to reveal what inside resides,
From hence would flow a melody sweet to thine ear;
Words of honey so sweet would follow quick,
Manifestations of cherished allotments of thyself wouldst appear.

On longing delight hath fed and ardor quenched desired thirst,
Yet our allotted hours in unison be the substance of brevity;
Sustenance gleaned from the fabric of our shrouded dreams,
we are well met in the secluded haven of faculty and levity.

Shall I persuade thee to linger yet a little while,
to gallantly tender whisperings precious and sweet;
Thou dost enslave me with thine passionate declarations,
So blushed mine cheek tis enflamed with scarlet heat.

Thou hearest whisperings of my heart, my secret declarations,
I am known of you yet still you love, a puzzling mystery;
Myself as whole I cannot give, but what I give tis true,
In twain divided yet I find, I canst not separate myself from thee.

I am grateful for thy loving care, and for thy sharing of thyself,
This arduous journey imprinted much on my peace and serenity;
What shall befall I cannot know but this fact is sure,
Some part of me shall forever love, remembrances joyous forever be

Some abiding remembrance of me linger near, this invocation mine,
Some special portal of thine heart let me fill;
I canst not own the whole of thee, what tis mine I cherish,
Memory, Reality, whatever may be, I shall love thee still.

1 comment:

  1. This was a poem written about a very special person. It was written during a magical time in my life. I will never forget how I felt.
