Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Could Never Say (POEM)

I could never say
I saw you in my mind magnificent and regal in all your
You had breath, life, energy
I tried to write you into being
I tried to give you form and substance
But you lay dead on the paper
Sterile, cold and unfeeling
I felt your warmth and you shined in my heart
But you remained lifeless chiding me with your empty eyes
I had no defense I could not make you real
I couldn't play the meter and rhyme of your existence
You rebuked me with your bloodless corpse
Wagging your finger at my frustration
Your reflection in the frozen ice that surrounded you
Showed your inner beauty and light
The warm glow revealed what you could be
But you were not
Only an illusion
No one else can ever see
No one else can share that passing thought
That un-captured feeling that raced around my brain
I have trapped you in the cavernous crevices of my mind
You cursed me for my ineptitude
You wailed for your beauty wasted
You screamed because the loneliness was unbearable
You understood that there was no way out
You gave me one last reproachful look
And faded away leaving only dead words on a paper
I crumbled you into a wad, threw you away
I mourned the loss of utterance
I walked away and tried to forget
But I am always haunted by words
I could never say.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem. It is something all writers experience I think.
