Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Unwilling Siren (POEM)

Unwilling Siren

There is a blackhole inside me no one can fill
And the things that I've tried to fill it with have been consumed
Nothing can withstand the test
No light can penetrate the darkness
All is swallowed in the depths of blackest night
I fight against it but always feel the pull
Dragging me down
spiralling me down again into the pit
They say I'm strong but  I know I am weak
I cannot break the pullI cannot free myself
I cannot even save those I love from being pulled down
If I were strong I would throw myself into the pit
Fill the void and no one else could be pulled down by the blackness in me
Someday I'll be that strong
Someday it will end
Until then beware
Stay far from me
do not venture near
You cannot help
It is not the call of distress from some sweet maiden in need
It is the destructive call of a siren
pulling you down into your doom

.JenRid  10/22/11

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this at a very bitter and sad point in my life. Even though things are much better now... I still do sometimes feel like everything I touch turns toxic. I hope I am wrong but I am extremely scared I am not.
