Thursday, May 31, 2012

I... Am a Work of ART! (Blog)

  So I was feeling sorry for myself.  It happens.   Today I wandered in SL and found an easel.  I thought... I wonder if I can sit on that...  And voila!  I AM ART!  :)  It amused me.  But it also got me thinking... yeah ONE person might not think I am all that great but there are a lot of people who do.  I need to quit hanging my self esteem on the approval of someone who will never think I am enough.  It doesn't mean I am not enough, it just means one person is not enamored of me.  It's not an all or nothing deal.  Life is not black and white.  So he's never gonna realize what amazing things I have to offer...Big deal.  I am a work of art...original... bold... vibrant...priceless.  No one can put a value on me no matter how hard they try.  No one can determine my worth but me.  And I say I'm priceless!  There's nobody like me.  Sometimes, that's a good thing!  But sometimes, it's a damn shame.  The world might be a fun place with a few more of me!

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