Friday, April 25, 2014

Unrequited (POEM)


I know I'll never have your love as I wish
And yet it doesn't change how I feel
I am not deluded, I am simply lost in you

It makes me sad to bestow this feeling on
Someone who can never return my affection
But try as I might I cannot walk away

My greatest desire is your happiness
Even at the expense of my own
No request of yours would I refuse

I want to be free, But these prison walls hold me tight
The saddest thing is you would not have me caged
I have caged myself and cannot find the key to escape

it's agony to watch, to view my insignificance
I hate myself for my weakness, For my submission
I find myself on my knees all alone in my misery

what hurts most is the misery is my own making
If I could be satisfied in just your good opinion
But I want your adoration and that will never be

You care for me, in truth you think more of me than I do
I should be happy and content just knowing the good you see in me
But I want you to more than like me I want you to cherish me

I wonder if it's just me, unable to be pleased
Am I not capable of satisfaction and contentment?
Do I want more than is possible for me?

It is not totally without joy this love of mine
I am happy when you are, when your happiness shines
It seems worth it for a while when you are content

I am aware of the power of love, and what a precious gift it can be
I know of its healing power and the charm in affection
And the pain of deprivation doesn't negate the beauty of love

Love does not return void, any true love uplifts
But when unrequited the uplifting is one sided
And the giving side is a cross heavy to bear

I want to go... I want to stay
I want to make your life better I want to run
I pack my bags, prepare to fly and then

You smile and tell me how special I am
What a good friend I have been to you
And I unpack again knowing

As long as you need me
As long as you still see good in me
I shall be here for you.

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