Monday, June 25, 2012

Packing it in... (BLOG)

Packing up 16 years of stuff can really mess with your head.  I feel like somebody died. If I really think about it somebody did.  People have said to me that I feel so bad because it's the death of a marriage, death of hopes and dreams.  But that died long ago.  But they are right in that it is a death. 

It's the death of a scared, unhappy, unfulfilled woman who , quite unfairly, will never be vindicated.  She gave all, sacrificed all, just for the hope that someday, somehow he'd appreciate how much she loved him.  Instead she was tossed out like trash and scorned, ridiculed and terrorized.  It's not fair, it's not right, it's pathetic.  So I am mourning.  I am mourning the death of that very unhappy woman.  I am sad that she will never get the love and appreciation she deserved.  But out of her ashes is rising a much stronger, happier secure woman.  And I swear her death will not be in vain. 

I am also mourning the death of the man I loved.  Perhaps that's not the right way to put it, because he never existed.  The potential was there but never realized.  And it's a "complete "waste!  The man I loved was smart, funny, strong, and generous.  That man could do anything.  That man was worth devoting your life to.  That man was a good Father and husband.  It's a real shame he never existed.  He could have, but other things were more important.  "Money", outward appearance, control and the selfish empty pursuit of all things HIM, that's what really mattered.  I almost feel sorry for him because he'll never get to know what's it like to really love someone and be loved in return.  Because you can't be loved if you can't open up and let people in.  And you can't love someone you control.

So yeah... I guess I have the right to be sad.  And even though I am SO ready to get out of here, even though I am so happy to be free of the tyranny I lived under, and even though I can finally stop walking on eggshells afraid to be me, I still feel a bit sad leaving all that is familiar to head out to the unknown.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Never Take Travel Advice from My Brother! (Adventure)

So my brother Roz told me about this cool place he went to...  Innsmouth.  Said I'd like the rural surroundings, love coastal New England this time of year, said I needed a break from all the stress I'd been under.  And... it was cheap!  I was sold.

At first glance it looked GREAT!

I checked into my room at the bed and breakfast I was staying at.  It was quite a bit more run down than I was prepared for but... I'm no snob.  I could rough it.  I needed peace and quiet and there was that in abundance right??
The solitude was just what I needed.  Who needs tv, computers, running water?!  O_O

After being bored to... I mean basking in my me time, I decided to go explore the place.
Did the place seem darker and creepier than when I got here?  Hmmmm must be my imagination!

I decided the best place to go to get to know the place was a bar.  And luckily I found one right away!
The service was kind of slow and I didn't like the way the barkeep was looking at me, but nothing bad happened so I decided to catch a movie.

Boy these people like all things aquatic.  Fish, waves, and frog designs everywhere!  It was nice and all but a bit much.  As I left the movie theatre I saw a man sitting on the curb.  I sat down beside him and we had a nice chat.  He told me I seemed like a nice girl and maybe I should leave town.  I asked him why but he just walked away.  He looked back at me and said sadly, "Leave, while you can!"

So that really creeped me out but it also made me curious.  I decided to look around this town and see what I could find.  I found this boarded up place with locked doors.  So yeah... I HAD to get in.  I looked inside and this is what I saw!
Looks like they worshipped fish or frogs or something... weird!  I decided to look around the town a bit more... I was drawn to a glowing green light...  WHAT WAS THAT?

Before I could figure it out, I heard a terrifying noise.  I should have just ran then but I had to know what was making that sound.  When I saw what it was I did run!
Unfortunately I didn't run fast enough.  I fell and hit my head.  One of the creature's minions captured me.

I woke up strapped to a table.  What in the world was going on?
I struggled with all my might.  I don't know if the restraints were old or weak or if adrenaline just made me that strong but I got free and I ran!  I opened a door trying to find a way out and was horrified by what I saw...

I did NOT want to know what happened in that room.  I was desperate to get out.  I ran thru the house like a madwoman.  In my haste I knocked over a lamp and set the whole house on fire!  I barely escaped the flames with my life!!

I ran as fast I could.  I ran all the way to the coast without thinking what I was doing.  I saw a boat in the water.  The man that hours earlier had told me to leave was manning the boat.  "GET IN," he yelled!  He didn't have to tell me twice.  As we floated away from that horrible place, I had so many questions.  I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know the answers.  But the one thing I did know was...  I WAS GOING TO KILL ROZ!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Edge of Never (Poem)

The Edge of NEVER

I see you fiend of hell,
taunting me inticing me in.
I won't go where you bid me.
I won't be tempted to go where you lead.
Yes, your blackness is familiar to me,
I know how it feels surrounding me,
I know the pain,
the release,
the cycle.
I know what it is to revel in misery,
But it doesn't work anymore.
There is no satisfaction in agony,
I am tired of being your puppet,
I won't do your bidding any longer,
I will not destroy myself anymore.
Nothing I have done is vile enough to merit your society.
The pit is not for me.

I think you liked my company ,
fed off my strength and vitality,
You liked having me bow to your whim,
You liked me unaware of my own worth,
I won't be frozen by your embrace any more!
Go back to your pit I'll not join you there,
wallow in your misery and selfishness,
and drink the poison of your own heart.
I've had enough to last a 1000 lifetimes.
I think I'll bask in the light,
and hold your memory as a reminder,
to go on, to spur me forward,
and never look back down into the pit,
never to stand on the edges,
feeling the pull dragging me,
down down down to where you dwell.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Descent (POEM)


Sitting here reading your words
Your declarations to the women in your past
Each word a stab to the heart
You are no longer the man that wrote those words
You no longer believe the feelings you vowed
Or maybe you do and I really am
not capable of stirring in you such sentiments
I wish you could love me
Am I deficient or is it we are just not a compatible
or maybe all I can offer is my sexuality
the gift and curse that destroys me again and again
Maybe that's all I have
Maybe that's all I am
one that can stir passions but never love
I guess I should be glad you notice me at all
few do
I crave and abhor the attention of men
I shrink from connection
because I know it will all boil down to sex
and then it begins
 the slow
agonizing descent into goodbye