Tuesday, July 1, 2014


So there's a picture I saw.. has the dos equis(sp) dude on it... and it says this:

I don't always fall in love but when I do... I do it with a completely wrong person and then fuck up my life a good deal because I am obviously retarded.  I don't like the word retarded so I replace it with... I am obviously a moron.   Then it's pretty accurate for me.

I always choose the one person who I will never be good enough for.  And then I do everything I possibly can to drive them far away from me.  And then if that doesn't work...  I find something to get mad about... blow it out of proportion and walk away.  A very fucked up form of protection.

Getting perilously close to the walking away stage.  Not that the person even knows...  they don't even notice I am alive unless I am right in front of their faces waving "look at me look at me!"  My arms are tired.  And my heart is tired.  I wish I could give it a rest. 

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