Wednesday, November 17, 2021

It's good to be the king.

It's Good To Be the King


You have the world at your feet
surrounded by empty adulation
a mere crook of your finger would bring me near
but you never bid me.

So tonight a door closed
Another opened and I walked on thru
It was amazing how easy it was
Nothing more than a kind word
brightening my day
no price to be paid for the kindness
no chains no expectations nothing to bind me
just someone actually enjoying my company
enjoying me as I am and was meant to be.

I doubt you will even notice my absence
You never appreciated my presence
Hard to notice or appreciate anything
when you have the attention span of an goldfish.
Your have a terminal case of somethingshinyitis
You'll never know the value of anything
because you have it all thrown at your feet
worshipped by your gaggle of sycophants.

Maybe one of them will tell you what that means
or help you spell it so you can look it up
but you've probably already forgotten what was said
moved on to the next shiny tinfoil covered thing
which shall be used and discarded
but they will still come back for more

Because you are the king.
It's good to be the king
or so I hear.
I'm glad to be a peasant
I may not sparkle and shine
but I know the value
of even the tiniest scrap of tinfoil
crushed underneath your feet.

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