Monday, July 15, 2013

(DAYS OF OUR SECOND LIFE) Episode Three: Meat Market!


SL IS Drama.  Some drama is just honest unfortunate blending of unsuited people.  Some is just malicious game playing and manipulation.  No matter the source or the reason drama drains us, distracts us and often holds us back from the future we dream of.
Unfortunately we can't totally avoid drama.  All we can do is seperate ourselves from the black holes.  You know, those people who live to suck the life out of you.
When I face a difficult situation I find if I can laugh, it all seems better.  Even if I am laughing at myself.  So here is my wink and nod at the drama of second life.  Often the drama in SL reminds me of a soap opera.  So here's mine:  DAYS OF OUR SECOND LIVES!!!!!
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real avatars, living or dead, is probably spot on... cough cough I mean purely coincidental!  *winks*

Our last show left  MrRightThisSecond basksing in his own glory, Lynn dreaming of Pixel Babies, Veronica wishing for adulation, and Richard worried about the likelihood of his upcoming nuptials.

"Lynnnnnnn  Lynnnnnnn where are you?  I have something for you!" 

"Oh Richard what is it?" 

"It's an invitation to my wedding!  You'll come right?"

"So you are still going thru with it?"

"Of course I am... Veronica is my one lady love!"

"Then why do you look so pained when you say it?"

"Ahem Lynn."

Lynn turns around to see her MrRightThisSecond looking very annoyed.

"Oh Mr. what's the matter?  Did I forget to do something?  Did I not change my hair enough?  Was my blog about you not complimentary enough?  Did I BREATHE wrong?  Because I can do better I promise!"

Mr. patronizingly pats Lynn's head.  "It's alright dear.  You tried your best.  This just simply isn't working out.  I think you should go away now.  And think about what you didn't do that made me leave you.  And I of course already have someone else to wait on me hand and foot.  Her name's Cynthia and she knows everyone!  Including me.  Goodbye Lynn!"

Lynn sits down and sobs.  Richard bails and Lynn is left in her sorrow.  Then who should show up but Veronica.

"I never want to be friends with you again!  How could you be so stupid as to think you could keep a gem like Mr. interested in you?  If you just did as I said, this would never have happened!  Richard is bored of you and so I am.  We talked about it at length... with anyone who would listen.  They all agree.  You suck.  And don't even THINK about coming to our wedding!"

Veronica huffs off.  In her wake a beautiful woman walks up to Lynn.  "What's with the bitch?" she said.  Lynn laughs.

"She is a bitch isn't she?  I'm Lynn and I just got dumped by my guy and her."

"I'm Elizabeth.  And it's no loss as far as I am concerned.  There are plenty of fish in the SL sea!  I think you just need a trip to the Meat Market!"

"Meat Market?"

"Oh yes the Meat Market can bring you any kind of guy you dream of.  You want a rich guy... a subby guy... a masterful guy... a funny guy... you can find them all at the market.  Personally I think one is as good as another, but hey... I want to see you smile.  And what makes you smile more than a brand spanking new guy?  Are you in?"

Lynn nods.

As Elizabeth shows Lynn the Meat Market she is mesmerized.  Tons of men and women stand in one spot and just look at each other.  "Why don't people talk here Elizabeth?"

"Oh they are all IMing each other.  Don't worry you'll get your own IMs very soon."

Lynn looked and she had IMs from 6 different guys.  They all said the same thing... "Hello good looking wanna have sex?"  She clicked them all off without answering.  Then  one guy said, "You don't look like you belong here.  Why are you at the Meat Market?"

"Well my boyfriend dumped me and my good friend dumped me and this total stranger said I should come so I did."

I see... so are you looking for someone to tell you what to do?  Because I am very good at that.  You have to call me Sir and I'll call you girl but you'll love it.  I can read minds and I know what you need.  You need to spend every waking second thinking about what I need."

Lynn nodded.  "Yes I do!  You know me.. You really know me. " She started to walk over to GetYerAssOverHereBitch but Elizabeth stopped her! 

"Are you nuts?  You just got out of that type of relationship.  Why don't you try someone who makes you feel good about you?"

Lynn nodded... "Yes I would like that very much.  Someone to say nice things... and think I am great as I am... is there such a man?"

Elizabeth muttered, "I haven't found him yet." 

Before Lynn could answer she got another IM.  "Pardon me for intruding miss but you just looked so lovely I couldn't stop myself."

"Oh thank you!"

"I was wondering if there was anything I could do for you miss?  Anything at all?  I would love to be your footstool... if you'd like.  Just tell me what you want.. I'll do anything!"

"What I want?  I don't understand!"

"Yes what are your desires... your dreams... what would you like to do to me.  Nothing is too good for you Miss."

"Desires?  dreams?  I don't know what you are talking about!"

She whispered to Elizabeth, "He's scaring me... make him go away!"

Elizabeth looked bored and said, "SHOO!" 

MrI'llBeYourEverything ran away.

"Maybe I am not ready for the Meat Market..."

"Listen Lynn.  You are never going to get what you want if you don't know what you want.  Maybe you aren't ready for the Meat Market... but would you ever be?  Just have some fun... relax... that's what SL is all about.  Date a guy or two.  Juggle them... hell make em dance like puppies and give them dog treats if it makes you feel good.  Just do something fun... and for you."

"But what about their feelings?"

"What about them?  You are only responsible for your own feelings.  I am not saying trample their hearts.  You aren't the type.  I am just saying, don't let them trample yours.  Find someone who appreciates you.  Someone who makes you laugh."

"That guy looks funny."

"MrEverythingIsFunnyEvenWhenItIsn't?  If you like him... go talk to him!"

Elizabeth looks on with a pained face as Lynn giggles over and over and over at whatever the "funnyman" was saying.

"This girl needs a lot of work!!!!!!"

Will Lynn ever find the man she's searching for?  Will she ever stop laughing?  Will Elizabeth teach Lynn a thing or two?  And Will either of them go to Richard and Veronica's wedding?  Find out in the next exciting episode of....


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