Monday, May 6, 2013

The Puppet Master (POEM)

Puppet Master

You never took up for me although many others you defended,
You were a knight in shining armour to many you befriended.

You played me like a puppet and I let you pull the strings,
And all I ever wanted was to take fight and spread my wings.

You were always so ready to believe the worst in me,
You never really knew me, just who you wanted me to be.

People's worth you judged by what they could do for you,
Wheeling and dealing people's lives is what you loved to do.

You manipulated with barbs and hateful jibes, you triedto make me change,
You thought me too stupid to notice, you thought that my whole life I would rearrange.

And when I resisted, when I no longer fit your mold,
You began to hate me, your feelings soon grew cold.

And then you left me broken, wounded and bleeding on the floor,
You walked away without looking back and loudly shut thedoor.

Then you decided that we should still be friends,
Well I am sorry but this is where it ends.

I can no longer be pulled into your mire,
I refuse to be consumed by your fire.

Go find a new puppet, a new toy with which to play,
I'm tired of being a plaything I'm ending this today.

I'm walking out without looking back, I will not even cry,
I walk out with a brand new freedom and a twinkle in myeye.

So play your game with others, go get your needs met,
And I will leave this prison with no feeling of regret.

You might find it hard to replace a person who cared so much,
Or you might easily find someone willing do your bidding and be your crutch.

Either way you will never bring me any more heartbreak and disaster,
And thank God I have finally broken free from you the Puppet Master.

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