Friday, May 3, 2019

(Days of our Second Lives) EPISODE FOUR: Playtime!


SL IS Drama.  Some drama is just honest unfortunate blending of unsuited people.  Some is just malicious game playing and manipulation.  No matter the source or the reason drama drains us, distracts us and often holds us back from the future we dream of.
Unfortunately we can't totally avoid drama.  All we can do is seperate ourselves from the black holes.  You know, those people who live to suck the life out of you.
When I face a difficult situation I find if I can laugh, it all seems better.  Even if I am laughing at myself.  So here is my wink and nod at the drama of second life.  Often the drama in SL reminds me of a soap opera.  So here's mine:  DAYS OF OUR SECOND LIVES!!!!!
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real avatars, living or dead, is probably spot on... cough cough I mean purely coincidental!  *winks*

Our last episode left Lynn searching for a new man and laughing.. a lot!  Elizabeth on the other hand, was not amused...

LYNN!  If you ever get done laughing... I think we have a wedding to go to.

But... But... Veronica said not to go to her wedding.

And Richard wants you to be there.  You are Richard's friend right?

Well yeah... but Veronica said not to go to her wedding.

Do you do everything Veronica says?

NOT ANYMORE!  Come on Elizabeth we have a wedding to go to!

That's my girl!  And hey if we get thrown out, or she throws one of her classic fits, that'll just make her look bad.  Win win!

Veronica walks up.  Just what do you think you are doing here?  And who is your "friend."  She looks charming.

Richard invited me Veronica.  If you don't like it talk to him!

Oh trust me I will with a very shrill scream she yells...


Yes my love?

Why is SHE here?

I invited her.  She's my friend.

I want her OUT!  OUT OUT OUT!  Stomps foot.

Everyone stares at Veronica.

She huffs but says...FINE but you say one word or mess up my wedding.  I will end you!

Lynn salutes.  Elizabeth mouths "End you?"  and dies laughing.

After laughing during the entire wedding Elizabeth and Lynn try to decide what to do. 

I'm bored Elizabeth.  I want to do something new.

We could go to the beast forest and ask for directions to the vet.

We did that last week.

We could go to an adult sim and ask for directions to 33rd street.

We did that yesterday!

We could go to a nude beach and heckle the sex-ters

We did that Friday!

We could go the the sex bed store with a group... dressed in animal pajamas and try the six-some settings.

We did that Thursday and they asked us never to come back.

Well what haven't we done?

We haven't rp'd yet.

Oh please those people take themselves way too seriously.  And they get all offended it you don't follow their rules and scripts.  And who wants to perv all the profiles looking for hard limits?

I don't know it's something new.  We could try the urbane scene. 

Oh yeah I wanna get raped or a cap put in my ass... sounds great.

The demon scene?

They want to eat me.

The zombie scene? 

Ewwww they smell.

The pirate scene?

All they want is booty!


They bite.

Vampires?  No No let me guess... They suck?

*giggles*  Actually vampires might be fun.

Are you kidding me?

No no listen... I have a great idea.  We go right into a big bunch of them in pizza girl outfits and say...  Who ordered steak tartar?


What you don't want to?

Oh no I want to go!

Elizabeth this place is kind of creepy.  Maybe we should turn back.

No Lynn it's perfect.  This is their club.  It's an OOC zone and we can check out the patrons before we dive right in.  And maybe we can scope out some exit strategies.  Unless you want to be a vampire...

Well it might be cool.  Vampires have that magnetic sexual quality to them. 

Real Vampires might ... wannabe Vampires not so much.

Well this guy is really cool and sweet.

Who King Fangboy?

Yes... he's just cool.

Oh KF!  Over here!  Look at me!

Elizabeth looks pained and says, "Where did I go wrong?  Has she learned NOTHING?  Pssst  Lynn what are you doing?   You are making a fool of yourself!  If you keep that up I'll be forced to stop being your friend!"

"But Elizabeth.  He thinks I am special.  He appreciates all I do for him."

Elizabeth raises her eyebrows.  "Yes and he appreciates what No self respect girl does for him... and deluded girl does for him... and really bad girl does for him... and what ice queen does for him and he probably even appreciates what Ms tempest in a teapot does for him too!"

"But he wants me to be a part of the clan."

"He wants loyalty and adoration get real!"

"Oh so you think they just want to use me.  That they don't care anything about me!"

"Yes Lynn I do.  They say you are a part of the clan but you are not really."

"You are wrong!"

"Oh really?  Half the time they forget you exist! And why do you care?  All they do is talk about the same thing night after night and food?  Do you really enjoying about talking about food?  Watch the food network!!! Geeeeze!"

"So you think I should cut down a bit on how much time I spend here?"

Elizabeth screams in frustration and teleports away.

"Was it something I said?  *shrugs*  Oh Fangboy... Hey Fangboy... please look at me!  I am here!  See?  Right over.. here?  Can I do anything for you?  Oh... I see you are busy.  I'll wait."
Sits quiet waiting.